Customers Find Success with Pressure Seal Checks

Our team's wealth of knowledge comes from close to 100 years of combined experience serving our customers. We know what you need, when you need it, and how to help if you need something a little different. Take one of these customer examples for instance: One of our loyal customers from the east coast regularly ordered 500-count boxes of envelopes and blank check stock each year. After contemplating the efficiency of this habit, our long-time Print Representative, Dian Palmquist, offered the customer a time and money-saving solution: Pressure Seal Checks.
Pressure Seal Checks were the answer to purchasing separate envelopes and checks. The design of these self-mailers allow for printing, folding, sealing and mailing in less time. It is a flat-sheet that becomes the envelope once it's folded. These popular documents increase efficiency and achievement around offices across the country.
We thank Dian for sharing her wisdom and customer experience.
Need one of our winning printed business solutions? Let one of our wise Print reps help you today. Let's talk!