Order 2017 Tax Forms and Save!

Altec is the leading one-stop shop for business printing solutions and that includes tax forms. We want to give you a head start on saving up to 35% on tax form orders beginning this month. Now through August 31, you will gain a 35% savings on your order of 2017 tax forms. The savings schedule is as follows:
Order your 2017 tax forms by:
August 31 and save 35%
September 29 and save 30%
October 31 and save 25%
November 30 and save 15%
As a reminder, Altec is System and Organization Controls (SOC) certified by the AICPA, which guarantees the security of your sensitive tax information.
Don’t miss out on ordering important IRS-approved tax forms with extensive savings! For more information, view our 2017 Tax Form Catalog or email taxform@altec-inc.com.